OpenGL Underwater Scene(C++)

OpenGL Underwater Scene(C++)  

An ongoing project in C++ to create an underwater scene in C++ which cannot be shared until it's graded.

Using GL3W, GLFW and GLM to create an underwater scene, implementing GLSL shaders. Utilising VAO/VBO/IBOs to graphically represent coded and *.OBJ  objects in a scene. Implemented Phong, Gourad, Blinn/Phong shading. Cubemaps, enviroment mapping and dynamic textures.

As part of this project, I've taken it upon myself to implement this in a scaleable and reusable way in anticipation of the Game engine module in year 3. I've opted to voluntarily implement a number of design pattern, including : Game Loop, Update, Component, Flyweight, Prototype, Observer, Facade, Factory Method.